7 Ways of Detecting Ankylosing Spondylitis

7 ways of detecting Ankylosing Spondylitis 

The toughest phase of Ankylosing Spondylitis is at its advent. You are unaware of its existence and remain unaware until some years till the doctors reach a conformity. I waited for 06 years for my diagnosis. It used to be called as shifting pain during the ‘90s and many doctors found themselves at sea with this phenomenon. I had a horrid time figuring out things with my parents in tow. How do you manage or beat something that is yet to be defined! It took me more than 20 years to understand the biology behind AS and now I’m best placed to share my newly found knowledge so that you detect the ailment at the earliest which will give you a Headstart in beating the adversary. When it all started, I wasn’t as relaxed as I sound now. So, if you are reading this, in all certainty either you or one of your loved ones is facing the same challenge. I sympathise.  But more than sympathy, I would want to give you tips in recognising the battle at hand. In this post, I enumerate the diagnostic methods of identifying the problem through my experience. I’ve attempted to keep the medical jargon to the bare minimum since those terms often are overwhelming and add to the sufferings (But for those interested, I’ve mentioned the terms in parentheses). Let’s not suffer but overcome.

1. Pain in the Hip joint (Sacroiliac Joint) – Singular effect

I experienced my first pain in the left hip joint. It was a very irritating pain. It was never troubling, to start with, but immensely niggling and had all your involuntary attention. The movement of the joint will happen albeit painfully. The muscle relaxants will help but the pain will be become immune to them. Getting out of the bed will be cumbersome. Walking will be impeded and slight limp will be introduced. Turning side-ways on the bed while sleeping will seem like lifting a ton load of weight. I call this state the Singular effect.

Image Credit: Wolfgang Claussen from Pixabay

2. Pain finds an ally in your other Hip joint (Other Sacroiliac Joint) – Twin effect

This state is extremely disturbing. The pain scales up and impairs the other hip joint. Now, it has both your voluntary and involuntary attention. The situation becomes so menacing that it affects you psychologically more than physically. You keep thinking about it but leads you nowhere. Everything debilitating during the “Singular Effect” doubles up. This is the Twin effect stage. This is the time when visit to a specialist doctor becomes imperative.

3. Unaware Medical practitioners – Lost in Translation

Most Doctors do not have a clue. Believe me. They will make you undergo numerous tests and all you come back with is a sheet of paper and more pain. The blood work reports, MRIs, X-rays, Bone scans etc. give away very few insights. Doctors are translators of these reports. If the reports generate normalised data, the translator finds it difficult to comprehend and is therefore unaware. I have huge respect for medical fraternity but at times they do fail in diagnosis. AS is an invisible agony. When medical intelligence cannot be sought from the reports, the doctors (A few of them) insist that the pain is in your mind. This stage, I refer to as, “Lost in Translation”.

4. Multiple major joints and bony areas are affected – Multi effect

AS brings in the heat! It really is on the prowl. Most of the major joints are under the direct control of AS. Most of the AS challengers experience pain along the major joints. The concerning pain depends on the challenger’s muscle tone and bone density in determining the affected areas. This phase is the “Multi effect” phase.

5. Stoop along the lower waist

The posture will get affected eventually. The bend along the lower waist is the first instance of improper posture. The upper body will fall forward bending along the lower waist. While rising from a seated position, the sag forward is more prominent and distinct effort will have to be made to attain an erect standing position. The pain encountered during the process will be unbearable and will drain your energy. Long durations of immobile activity is directly proportional to the incremental pain when confronted with movement.     

6. Fatigued Body

The pains don’t just affect the areas physically but the body as a whole. The body is always in extreme stress owing to which the resources consumed to carry out daily chores are needed in excess hence the depletion of energy levels and therefore fatigue. The entire motion related anatomy of the human body rests on the major joints which are responsible for delivering hindrance free motion. But for the AS challenger, the pain in the major joints create bottle-necks due to swelling (Inflammation) along the joints thereby the body movements become limited and fatigued.

7. HLA B-27

This is the only test that the doctors will depend on while diagnosing the disease. Most of the Ankylosing Spondylitis challengers are HLA B-27 positive. I too am. Once the HLA B-27 test turns out to be positive, the branding of the chronic pain is complete. You are certified as “Ankylosing Spondylitis” host. It is also revealed that HLA B-27 is a confirmatory test for auto immune diseases and is embedded in your blood which cannot be erased with medicines. Hence, the doctors final verdict – “Incurable Disease”.

The above diagnostics are elementary and are needed to understand what we are up against so don’t be worried! I’ve experimented with my body at various levels and have derived methods of controlling this chronic companion to near cure state – I’ll share my findings in another detailed post.

Till then, Keep your chin up and spirit high.

You can beat this! And Thanks for reading.

About the author



Hi. I’m Victor. I’m an Engineer by profession and a MBA Gold Medallist from JBIMS. I work as an Asst. Director (Enterprise Business) for BSNL, India. My field of work involves IT, Telecom and Enterprise Business. Apart from the education I received, I will remain indebted to the various books that I read, which engaged my thoughts and helped me look at aspects through the prism of perspectives. My solemn intention through this meager effort will be to promulgate the learning I received from great people in the form of Books.

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